
Potato & Mushroom and Bechamel Sauce


  • 6-7 potato
  • 400 gr ground meat
  • 3 onion
  • 400 gr mushroom
  • 1 tablespoon tomato sauce
  • ½ tea cup palm oil
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 flip blackpepper

For the Bechamel Sauce:

  • 2 glass of milk
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1,5 tablespoon flour
  • 1 flip blackpepper
  • 1 flip salt


  1. Chop the onions and cook them in palm oil until they get pinkish.
  2. After that, add 400 gr ground meat and cook them too.
  3. Add the tomato sauce.
  4. Wash and clean the mushrooms, then chop them into big pieces. Add them over the ground meat.
  5. Cook them.
  6. Lastly, add the salt and blackpepper, mix them for 1-2 times. Take the pan from the oven.
  7. Slice the potatoes and set them into baking tray.
  8. Pour the mushroom & ground meat mixture onto the potatoes.
  9. Fort he bechamel sauce, melt the butter and blight the flour. Then add milk & salt and mix it fastly. Mix it until it boils.
  10.  Pour the bechamel sauce onto the ground meat mixture.
  11.  Cook it in 200 °C for 30 minutes.
  12. Enjoy your meal!

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